Speaking at MautiCon 2024: My Experience, Takeaways & Conclusion

I discovered Mautic back in 2019 while I was searching for “WordPress Equivalent of Marketing Automation”.

i.e., True Open Source Marketing Automation Platform without any feature limitations or user cap.

To my surprise, there was only 1 – Mautic!

And I’m glad that I found it, installed it, and I have not looked back after that.

In the last 5 years, I have used this powerful platform for a variety of businesses, ranging from startups with zero leads to enterprises with 4 to 8 million records to start with.

And it works flawlessly in most cases unless your core setup & campaign structure is faulty in the first place.

Mautic right now is like a dark horse, don’t be surprised if you start noticing it winning big races in the coming years. And with some awesome new features & core structural changes in the latest version 5.x, Mautic is more powerful than ever!

MautiCon India 2023

Mautic Conferences are relatively new, there were a couple of in-person conferences, meet-ups & virtual events before. And when they announced the next event for India on 27-28 Feb, I immediately took the opportunity to apply as a speaker.

After providing my session topic & other details, the speaker application was approved in a few days. The rest of the process, instructions & communication was relatively straightforward & clear.

Credit goes to the team of some incredible volunteers who worked hard for weeks behind the scenes to make this event a successful one!

The Conference

I had the privilege to meet Mautic Project Lead Ruth Cheesley along with many other Mautic Contributors, Mautic Council Members, Speakers & Marketing Automation Enthusiasts. Here are some clicks from the event

The Sessions

  • Keynote by Prasad Shirgaonkar: Impact Of Automation and AI On Our Lives as Developers And Marketers
  • Rugh Cheesley: Mautic Update
  • Mautic Council Panel: Rugh Cheesley, Prateek Jain, Dominique De Cooman
  • Dominique De Cooman: How to Grow Mautic’s Ecosystem
  • Marketer Track
    • Malik Merchant: Simple 3 Step Funnel That’s Making Millions!
    • Neependar Khare: Scaling Smart: Unlocking Cost-Effective Marketing Automation with Mautic
    • Saheel Sikilkar: New Age Digital Marketing: Advance Track and Trace
    • Annam Sreenivasan: Inclusive Insights: Boosting ROI Through Accessible Email Campaigns
    • Nidhi Bhardwaj: Mautic’s Agile Scalability Propels Quick Crawl-to-Run Transitions
    • Mikko Hämäläinen: DXP for Dummies
  • Developer Track
    • Jitesh Kathwani: Custom Plugin Development in Mautic: Enabling Controlled SMS Campaigns with Event Subscriber
    • Sagar Uthkar: Speed up campaign management with Mautic Docker
    • Ulka Bendale: Bridging Platforms: Mastering Drupal Webform and Mautic Integration for Marketers
    • Mohammad Abu Musa: Mautic Mailer Updates: What to Expect
    • Zameer Fouzan: Keeping High-performing Systems, Performant: Tap into Modern Observability of Symfony
    • Saurabh & Rohit: Laveragin Mautic’s Audit Logs for Comprehensive Reporting

Key Takeaways From the MautiCon India 2024

  • Mautic is still the ONLY fully featured, truly open-source Marketing Automation platform in the world, one of its kind!
  • Mautic’s growth & adoption rate has increased impressively in the last 1 year
  • Mautic is used by some of the largest brands & companies in the world for their Marketing Automation & Email Marketing Management
  • You are probably already a customer or subscriber of these brands, and you don’t even know the presence of Mautic in the background
  • Mautic is used for all types & sizes of businesses – B2B, BC2 & even D2C!
  • Mautic can be used at different stages of your customer journey to help them move from one stage to another & track the critical data points through their entire journey
  • A whole new set of exciting & advanced features are coming as part of 5.x version in the coming months
  • And much more…


It was an awesome experience indeed. Learned new things, met some very talented marketing automation experts, and made some new Mautic Friends, as well!

Mautic council members & code contributors are working absolutely hard to add more features, remove bugs & take Mautic to the next level.

To conclude…

I see Mautic today as WordPress was 10 years ago! And I am happy to be a part of this community & opportunity. I’m looking forward to sharing my experience as I learn & implement Mautic for more clients!

In the end, anyone looking to add a powerful punch of marketing automation to their business, irrespective of the type & size of their business, should seriously consider Muatic as their next MarTech tool.

About The Author
Picture of Malik Merchant
Malik Merchant
Certified Marketing Automation Pro, Award Winning Digital Marketer & Your Trusted Automation Advisor

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